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22. November 2020 12:55
by Admin

COVID 19 The Big Picture - Andrew Johnson

22. November 2020 12:55 by Admin | 0 Comments

COVID 19 The Big Picture - Andrew Johnson


What are the facts concerning COVID 19 and SARS-COV2 and what is the likely agenda of the perpetrators if the truth has not been told.

The COVID-19 test is unreliable and has no bearing on whether you have or will ever have any type of disease. The COVID-19 strain has never been isolated by anyone and so no test can prove whether it has ever killed anyone as there is no unpolluted sample. They have redefined the word 'case' to mean positively tested for, but the test cannot be trusted, so the number of cases cannot be either. Whatever this nasty flu that some people have had is, it is not confirmed as anything medically defined as COVID-19 and so the figures have no basis in fact. The inventor of the test has made it clear that the test cannot be used to track disease or infection. Your freedom is at stake here, not your health. It is becoming illegal to go and meet your friends in the Western World, this is not the time to worry about politicians or their statistics.



From Wikipedia: 

A French national hero at age 55, in 1878 Pasteur discreetly told his family never to reveal his laboratory notebooks to anyone. His family obeyed, and all his documents were held and inherited in secrecy. Finally, in 1964 Pasteur's grandson and last surviving male descendant, Pasteur Vallery-Radot, donated the papers to the French national library (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Yet the papers were restricted for historical studies until the death of Vallery-Radot in 1971. The documents were given a catalogue number only in 1985.

In 1995, the centennial of the death of Louis Pasteur, a historian of science Gerald L. Geison published an analysis of Pasteur's private notebooks in his The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, and declared that Pasteur had given several misleading accounts and played deceptions in his most important discoveries.


Please sign the petition - the COVID-19 scamdemic is endangering your future, not your health!


20. November 2020 10:26
by Admin

Stonehenge - They Know of it's Significance and They are Going to Destroy it!

20. November 2020 10:26 by Admin | 0 Comments

Stonehenge - They Know of it's Significance and They are Going to Destroy it!


Stonehenge is an ancient device that carries a special significance in where it has been placed and what it is for. It undoubtedly holds the secret to our origins and they plan to destroy all archaeological evidence below it by burrowing through with a mindless machine before any independent studies can verify and findings.


17. November 2020 22:01
by Admin

No matter what your opinion of the ISS, you have to ask...

17. November 2020 22:01 by Admin | 0 Comments

No matter what your opinion of the ISS, you have to ask...


The heat you are experiencing is due to the kinetic energy in the molecules of your system. This vibrational energy of your molecules is what emits Infrared EM radiation and allows people to see you with an infrared camera etc. If you were in the Exosphere for instance, you would be in direct solar radiation which would excite and vibrate the molecules in your spacecraft. Without the shielding of the Earth's magnetic field, or the atmosphere, whilst on the daylight side of the Earth you would heat up based on the surface area exposed to that radiation. Because there is no atmosphere you would only be able to radiate heat away, so you would heat up to a very high temperature until your radiation emission equalled the incoming radiation energy hitting your surface from the Sun. At night you would be very cold as nothing would stop all the energy being radiated away. This is why the ISS uses liquids pumped around to cool it at daytime and then to warm it at night. The ISS travels at 7Km/s and so the day is only roughly 90 minutes, so they don't cook.

Now this all sounds perfectly reasonable, but it doesn't explain what is happening in the videos below.







11. November 2020 19:03
by Admin

Atlantis - The Eye Of Africa

11. November 2020 19:03 by Admin | 0 Comments

Atlantis - The Eye Of Africa


Atlantis is the ultimate myth, isn't it?

Well let us go back to where the myth originates and see how trustworthy the source is, and why it is generally considered to be a fairy tale today by the mainstream scholars.

Plato is actually the source of the Atlantis story. His ancestor, Solon, six generations his elder, went to Egypt in order to accumulate knowledge. He wrote of many stories he came across in scripture, engraving and by word of mouth. Among these stories were the historical kings of Egypt that appeared to go back further than recorded history as it has been known (up until the likes of Graham Hancock and friends, anyway.) as well as stories of great powers and civilizations that had existed before the last two ice ages. One of these civilizations was known as Atlantis, which if nothing else gave us the name of one of the great oceans of planet Earth (Atlantic - sea of Atlantis) but also told of a highly developed and militarily powerful nation that was destroyed in the period eleven thousand six hundred years ago, which actually is the time when a huge meteorite hit southern Greenland and raised the ocean levels by about 150 metres to around that of the sea level today. He also describes the surrounding in terms of mountains and the layout of the islands and their equivalent and total sizes. This is all a little too much evidence to be prematurely discounting the Richat structure as being a possible contender as the site of the City of Atlantis.



31. October 2020 22:58
by Admin

Carlos Castaneda and the Grey Alien Allies - The First Extraterrestrial Conversation?

31. October 2020 22:58 by Admin | 0 Comments

Carlos Castaneda and the Grey Alien Allies - The First Extraterrestrial Conversation?


If you look into the Nagual vs Tonal part of Castaneda's work, you can clearly see he is discussing what science has come to term the left and right hand sides of the Brain. You can look at Jill Bolte Taylor's talk on YouTube at Ted to get an idea of the difference between the two worlds, but essentially one is held together by dialog and the other is rather like being a conduit for perception rather than processing or labelling.

Once you accept these two states/worlds then you can begin to accept that the allies of which Castaneda speaks (the inorganic beings) could well be the grey aliens as they are thought to be non-biological entities created by a race that may well have become extinct since, and that they emulate a human being, but because they are essentially soulless, they do not appear as a luminous egg, but as a human form, even in the world of the Nagual, or unrestricted non-verbalised world of the other half of the brain.


21. October 2020 08:55
by Admin

M=e/c^2 the Inverse Square Law of Light

21. October 2020 08:55 by Admin | 0 Comments

M=e/c^2 the Inverse Square Law of Light


Spin is important. Spin is what creates mass, or the appearance of an object holding mass. When electromagnetic radiation is spinning in a certain way it creates a mass that can be detected through inertia, because the spinning of the EMR holds true to the same tendency as a gyroscope, it resists changes in its orientation, and as the EMR is spinning in many different axis of the impossibly small sphere in which it exists, it resists every change in momentum giving inertia.

Conversely, when EMR is travelling in a straight line, it appears to have no detectable mass, because it no longer has any spin, and therefore no resistance to changes in momentum or direction, such as when it is reflected by a mirror. This is why m=e/c^2 holds, because the energy being released is EMR travelling outwards obeying the inverse square law as it fills the area of the sphere from the radius distance from where it was released/had it spin disturbed.

The spinning of planet Earth is what gives the mass of each particle the appearance of attracting other matter by gravity. The spinning of the mass of the Earth creates a gravitational field just as a gyroscope does. It is encapsulated in its own gravitational field and invulnerable to other gravitational fields around it.

Every photon is a discrete energy packet of light but does it have a property that can be assimilated with this? Matter waves depict the interactions that indicate wave behaviour in light, just as they do in water, but if light can only travel at the constant c then how could it not be travelling in a straight line? As well as this the derivation of E=mc^2 depends on F=ma holding valid, which when considering light, really has no relevance whatsoever. There is no m, no a and no F. So what is really going on?

Photons are their own antiparticle according to latest quantum lore, which essentially means that light or EMR can account for wave-like behaviour without requiring interaction with any other phenomenon. 

23. September 2020 23:45
by Admin

Neil Sanders Mind Control

23. September 2020 23:45 by Admin | 0 Comments

Neil Sanders Mind Control

Mind control is a never ending part of our daily lives and we need to be aware of it. Has it ever occurred to you why you feel so much more relaxed when you go to a place like Thailand or a remote island? The simple truth is that there is a huge drain upon you every day in the 'civilized' world because you are being controlled and manipulated at ever point of your lives.

Television and the media, sport, celebrity, radio are all following an agenda and that agenda is to depress, cause anxiety and create fear.

Neil Sanders is a man with his head inside the heads of those inside yours.

Check out and find out about the bizarre terrifying world you live in, and who shares it with you.