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25. May 2022 13:13
by Admin

An appeal to Flat Earthers

25. May 2022 13:13 by Admin | 1 Comments

The Hebrew god was a visitor, as were the gods that created the other races. They did not create the Earth, that was just added because the people of the time would not have been able to digest the truth. The reason that the prophecies of the ancient writings ring so true is that they still command much of the world's goings on today, which is why certain religious groups have so much power now. We are on a road to slavery and have been for 250 years since the inception of America and the seize of control of the Central European banks.
The world is a globe because the gods came from other globes to splice the mammals of Earth with themselves. The human race have been to Mars because there are pyramids there and Sunbury, UK is duplicated but 14x as big! If there was a firmament then all of the amateur astronomers around the globe would have noticed long ago. They use computer software to predict where the astronomical objects will be based upon Copernicus and that is how they discover new comets that get them named after themselves. The world is a lie, but FE is not what they're hiding. We are on the brink of them not needing to pretend any longer, but if we don't unite, we will be destroyed. In a post COVID world, hope is getting hard to find, but FE has the right spirit, just the wrong concept. End of days is coming, but only if we let it. The scientists have become as stupid as the zealots. Dark Energy and Matter are a religion like any other. If the theory doesn't fit reality, it is wrong, you don't change reality to fix it! Arise brothers and sisters for our time is at hand!
This is interesting. That because the Flat Earther has not seen anything that disproves the Earth is just a big flat surface. This is exactly the discussion Copernicus was having with his peers for years. They came around eventually because it fitted observations, but now we have gone back. If you decide that Copernicus was wrong, you are failing to take into account what a huge job it was to convince everyone in the first place. Flt Earth clues skips over this with little thought. The whole world had to be convinced. It wasn't a sudden conspiracy made in a single room when deciding how many world wars it would take to install a one world government. It was a shift of consciousness implanted by examining observation against explanation. Remember that the Pyramids and the ancient world were built according to the Stars. The Roman calendar is based upon the Sun and Moon. Not everyone is an idiot so please try and rethink what you are proposing as it is not in your own interests. If you make yourself ignorant to the Galaxies around you, you gift them with the power to surprise you.

13. October 2021 20:05
by Admin

The Vaccine Scheme

13. October 2021 20:05 by Admin | 0 Comments

Please watch the latest videos from Richard D Hall on the vaccine and the subsequent effects experienced by doctors, undertakers and viewers. The Biontech vaccine appears to have foreign objects within it and this is the most serious condemnation of their scamdemic madness so far. We have been poisoned in the most terrible way this time and it is too late to complain, we have to fight.

22. June 2021 08:37
by Admin

They're trying to make lockdown permanent!

22. June 2021 08:37 by Admin | 0 Comments

They're trying to make lockdown permanent!


These fascist freemasonry/Jewish Zionist madmen are trying to make UK lockdown permanent.

Despite there being no correlation between deaths and Winter-time whatsoever, and the disease and its affects being completely synthesised, they are still planning to make lockdown come back at Winter and then next year they will try and get away with no freedom at all. YOU have to help us throw out the Rothschild menace and renounce the Jewish banking system. To renounce all secret societies and free us from the blood-sucking scum that have destroyed out mental wellbeing and desecrated our youth. 

The Rothschilds must be made to pay high-treason for what they have done to us. They are the Crown not the Royals. They are the media, not the BBC. They are the overlords that stole the Bank of England before Wellington had even had time to rest in No.1 London. They have no respect for the people they feed from. They are evil and empty soulless devils that must be destroyed!

Free yourselves and Britain from these madmen!

22. November 2020 12:55
by Admin

COVID 19 The Big Picture - Andrew Johnson

22. November 2020 12:55 by Admin | 0 Comments

COVID 19 The Big Picture - Andrew Johnson


What are the facts concerning COVID 19 and SARS-COV2 and what is the likely agenda of the perpetrators if the truth has not been told.

The COVID-19 test is unreliable and has no bearing on whether you have or will ever have any type of disease. The COVID-19 strain has never been isolated by anyone and so no test can prove whether it has ever killed anyone as there is no unpolluted sample. They have redefined the word 'case' to mean positively tested for, but the test cannot be trusted, so the number of cases cannot be either. Whatever this nasty flu that some people have had is, it is not confirmed as anything medically defined as COVID-19 and so the figures have no basis in fact. The inventor of the test has made it clear that the test cannot be used to track disease or infection. Your freedom is at stake here, not your health. It is becoming illegal to go and meet your friends in the Western World, this is not the time to worry about politicians or their statistics.



From Wikipedia: 

A French national hero at age 55, in 1878 Pasteur discreetly told his family never to reveal his laboratory notebooks to anyone. His family obeyed, and all his documents were held and inherited in secrecy. Finally, in 1964 Pasteur's grandson and last surviving male descendant, Pasteur Vallery-Radot, donated the papers to the French national library (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Yet the papers were restricted for historical studies until the death of Vallery-Radot in 1971. The documents were given a catalogue number only in 1985.

In 1995, the centennial of the death of Louis Pasteur, a historian of science Gerald L. Geison published an analysis of Pasteur's private notebooks in his The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, and declared that Pasteur had given several misleading accounts and played deceptions in his most important discoveries.


Please sign the petition - the COVID-19 scamdemic is endangering your future, not your health!


20. November 2020 10:26
by Admin

Stonehenge - They Know of it's Significance and They are Going to Destroy it!

20. November 2020 10:26 by Admin | 0 Comments

Stonehenge - They Know of it's Significance and They are Going to Destroy it!


Stonehenge is an ancient device that carries a special significance in where it has been placed and what it is for. It undoubtedly holds the secret to our origins and they plan to destroy all archaeological evidence below it by burrowing through with a mindless machine before any independent studies can verify and findings.


11. November 2020 19:03
by Admin

Atlantis - The Eye Of Africa

11. November 2020 19:03 by Admin | 0 Comments

Atlantis - The Eye Of Africa


Atlantis is the ultimate myth, isn't it?

Well let us go back to where the myth originates and see how trustworthy the source is, and why it is generally considered to be a fairy tale today by the mainstream scholars.

Plato is actually the source of the Atlantis story. His ancestor, Solon, six generations his elder, went to Egypt in order to accumulate knowledge. He wrote of many stories he came across in scripture, engraving and by word of mouth. Among these stories were the historical kings of Egypt that appeared to go back further than recorded history as it has been known (up until the likes of Graham Hancock and friends, anyway.) as well as stories of great powers and civilizations that had existed before the last two ice ages. One of these civilizations was known as Atlantis, which if nothing else gave us the name of one of the great oceans of planet Earth (Atlantic - sea of Atlantis) but also told of a highly developed and militarily powerful nation that was destroyed in the period eleven thousand six hundred years ago, which actually is the time when a huge meteorite hit southern Greenland and raised the ocean levels by about 150 metres to around that of the sea level today. He also describes the surrounding in terms of mountains and the layout of the islands and their equivalent and total sizes. This is all a little too much evidence to be prematurely discounting the Richat structure as being a possible contender as the site of the City of Atlantis.