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22. January 2024 14:58
by Admin

How can I work out the angle of an isosceles triangle if I know the length of the sides?

22. January 2024 14:58 by Admin | 0 Comments

To work out the angle of an isosceles triangle when you know the length of the sides, you can use trigonometry, specifically the Law of Cosines. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length and one base side. Let's denote the following:

  • (a) is the length of one of the equal sides.
  • (b) is the length of the base side.
  • (\theta) is the angle between the base side and one of the equal sides.

Here's how you can calculate the angle (\theta):

  1. Use the Law of Cosines to relate the side lengths and the angle:

    [b^2 = a^2 + a^2 - 2a \cdot a \cdot \cos(\theta)]

  2. Simplify the equation:

    [b^2 = 2a^2 - 2a^2 \cdot \cos(\theta)]

  3. Isolate the cosine term:

    [2a^2 \cdot \cos(\theta) = 2a^2 - b^2]

  4. Solve for (\theta) by taking the inverse cosine (arccos) of the equation:

    [\cos(\theta) = \frac{2a^2 - b^2}{2a^2}]

    [\theta = \arccos\left(\frac{2a^2 - b^2}{2a^2}\right)]

Now you can calculate the angle (\theta) using this formula. Make sure to use consistent units for the side lengths (e.g., both in centimeters or both in inches) to ensure accurate results.

My triangle equal sides are 370,000,000,000 and the opposite length is 650

The angle (\theta) in the isosceles triangle with equal sides of 370,000,000,000 units each and an opposite side of 650 units is approximately (0) degrees. This means that the triangle is almost degenerate, where the base side is nearly in line with the equal sides, forming an extremely narrow triangle.

Can you give me it in seconds of arc?

The angle (\theta) in seconds of arc for the given isosceles triangle is also approximately (0) seconds of arc. This means that the angle is extremely small, almost negligible in terms of angular measurement.

I'm trying to calculate the angle of hitting a reflector on the moon with a laser

Calculating the angle for hitting a reflector on the Moon with a laser involves more complex considerations, as it requires taking into account the distance to the Moon, the location of the laser on Earth, and the precise positioning of the reflector on the Moon's surface. Here are the general steps to calculate this angle:

  1. Determine the Location of the Laser on Earth:

    • You need to know the latitude and longitude of the laser's location on Earth.
  2. Determine the Location of the Lunar Reflector:

    • Lunar reflectors, like those left by Apollo missions, have known coordinates on the Moon's surface. You'll need to find the exact location of the reflector you're interested in.
  3. Calculate the Distance to the Moon:

    • You'll need to calculate the distance from the laser's location on Earth to the lunar reflector. This distance will vary as the Moon orbits Earth.
  4. Calculate the Angle:

    • Use trigonometry to calculate the angle. You can use the law of sines or the law of cosines, depending on the information available.
    • For example, if you know the lengths of the sides of a triangle (Earth-to-Moon distance, Earth-to-laser location distance, and Moon-to-laser location distance), you can calculate angles using the law of cosines.

The specific calculations will depend on the actual distances and coordinates involved, as well as the current positions of the Earth and Moon. Keep in mind that lunar reflectors are typically used for precise measurements and experiments, and such calculations are often performed by scientists and researchers using specialized tools and data.

If you have the specific details of the laser's location, the lunar reflector's location, and the distances involved, I can assist with a more detailed calculation. However, these calculations can be complex and require precise data.

The laser is in Hawaii and the reflector is 650 x 650 mm

Thank you for providing the location of the laser in Hawaii and the size of the lunar reflector. To calculate the angle for hitting the lunar reflector with a laser, we'll need to make some assumptions and estimations since precise data about the current position of the Moon and the exact location of the reflector may vary.


  1. We'll assume the lunar reflector is at a fixed position on the Moon's surface.
  2. We'll use an approximate average Earth-to-Moon distance of 384,400 kilometers.

Now, let's calculate the angle:

  1. Convert the size of the lunar reflector to meters: [ \text{Relector Size} = 650 , \text{mm} = 0.65 , \text{m} ]

  2. Calculate the Earth-to-Moon distance in meters (average distance): [ \text{Earth-to-Moon Distance} = 384,400 , \text{km} = 384,400,000 , \text{m} ]

  3. Determine the distance from the laser in Hawaii to the lunar reflector. To do this, we'll use the great-circle distance formula and assume the Earth is a sphere with an average radius of approximately 6,371 kilometers. The coordinates for Hawaii and the lunar reflector will be required.

Once we have these distances, we can calculate the angle using trigonometry. However, we need the specific coordinates (latitude and longitude) for both the laser location in Hawaii and the lunar reflector's location on the Moon to proceed further with the calculation. If you have access to these coordinates or can provide an estimation, please let me know, and I can assist you with the angle calculation.

Moon reflector is at 0.6734°N 23.4731°E

Thank you for providing the coordinates of the lunar reflector. Now we can proceed with the calculation.


  • Latitude of the lunar reflector ((\text{Lat}_{\text{Moon}})) = 0.6734°N
  • Longitude of the lunar reflector ((\text{Long}_{\text{Moon}})) = 23.4731°E
  • Average Earth-to-Moon distance ((\text{Distance}_{\text{Earth-Moon}})) ≈ 384,400,000 meters (as previously estimated)

We need to calculate the great-circle distance (orthodromic distance) between the laser location in Hawaii and the lunar reflector on the Moon's surface. Once we have this distance ((\text{Distance}_{\text{Hawaii-Moon}})), we can calculate the angle.

To calculate the great-circle distance, we can use the Haversine formula, which takes into account the curvature of the Earth. The formula is as follows:

[ \begin{align*} a &= \sin^2\left(\frac{\Delta\text{Lat}}{2}\right) + \cos(\text{Lat}{\text{Hawaii}}) \cdot \cos(\text{Lat}{\text{Moon}}) \cdot \sin^2\left(\frac{\Delta\text{Long}}{2}\right) \ c &= 2 \cdot \text{atan2}\left(\sqrt{a}, \sqrt{1-a}\right) \ \text{Distance}_{\text{Hawaii-Moon}} &= R \cdot c \end{align*} ]


  • (\Delta\text{Lat}) is the difference in latitude between Hawaii and the Moon.
  • (\Delta\text{Long}) is the difference in longitude between Hawaii and the Moon.
  • (R) is the average radius of the Earth, approximately 6,371,000 meters.

Let's calculate (\text{Distance}_{\text{Hawaii-Moon}}) and then proceed to calculate the angle.

I apologize for the error in the calculation. It seems that there was an issue with the calculation of the angle using the Haversine formula. Let's try an alternative approach to calculate the angle:

We can use the spherical law of cosines to calculate the angle between the laser location in Hawaii and the lunar reflector on the Moon's surface. The formula is as follows:

[ \cos(\text{Angle}) = \sin(\text{Lat}{\text{Hawaii}}) \cdot \sin(\text{Lat}{\text{Moon}}) + \cos(\text{Lat}{\text{Hawaii}}) \cdot \cos(\text{Lat}{\text{Moon}}) \cdot \cos(\Delta\text{Long}) ]


  • (\text{Angle}) is the angle we want to calculate.
  • (\Delta\text{Long}) is the difference in longitude between Hawaii and the Moon.

Let's calculate the angle using this formula.

The angle between the laser location in Hawaii and the lunar reflector on the Moon's surface is approximately (30.82) degrees. This is the angle at which the laser beam would need to be directed to hit the lunar reflector under the given conditions.

what is the margin for error to hit it?

The margin for error to hit the lunar reflector with a laser depends on several factors, including the precision of the laser's targeting system, the accuracy of the lunar reflector's coordinates, and the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

  1. Laser Precision: The precision of the laser's targeting system plays a significant role. High-precision laser systems used in scientific experiments can have very small margins for error, often measured in milliradians (mrad) or microradians (μrad). These systems are capable of accurately targeting the lunar reflector.

  2. Lunar Reflector Coordinates: The accuracy of the lunar reflector's coordinates is important. If the coordinates are known with high accuracy, the margin for error can be minimized. However, any inaccuracies in the coordinates can introduce errors in targeting.

  3. Earth-Moon Distance: The distance between the Earth and the Moon is not constant due to the Moon's elliptical orbit. Therefore, the margin for error can vary depending on the Moon's distance at a given time.

  4. Atmospheric Conditions: Atmospheric conditions can affect the precision of the laser beam. Turbulence, refraction, and other atmospheric factors can introduce errors. High-altitude observatories or space-based laser systems can mitigate some of these effects.

  5. Alignment and Calibration: Proper alignment and calibration of the laser system are essential. Small misalignments can result in significant errors over long distances.

In scientific experiments where precise measurements are required, laser systems are carefully calibrated and monitored to minimize errors. The margin for error is often specified in the experiment's design, and continuous adjustments are made to ensure accurate targeting.

For practical purposes, a margin for error on the order of milliradians or smaller may be considered acceptable for hitting a lunar reflector. However, the specific margin for error would depend on the precision requirements of the experiment or measurement being conducted.

it is 650 mm across and 370,000,000,000 mm away

Given that the lunar reflector is 650 mm in size and is located approximately 370,000,000,000 mm (or 370,000,000 meters) away on the Moon's surface, we can calculate the angular size of the reflector. The angular size represents the apparent size of an object as seen from a specific distance.

To calculate the angular size (( \alpha )), you can use the formula:

[ \alpha = 2 \cdot \text{atan}\left(\frac{\text{Size of the Reflector}}{2 \cdot \text{Distance to the Reflector}}\right) ]


  • Size of the Reflector is the diameter of the lunar reflector (650 mm).
  • Distance to the Reflector is the distance from the laser to the lunar reflector (370,000,000 meters).

Let's calculate the angular size (( \alpha )) of the lunar reflector:

The angular size (( \alpha )) of the lunar reflector, as seen from a distance of approximately 370,000,000 meters (370,000 kilometers) on Earth, is approximately (1.0065 \times 10^{-7}) degrees.

This is an extremely small angular size, and hitting a target of this size at such a distance with a laser would require a high-precision targeting system. The margin for error would need to be within a fraction of this angular size to accurately target the lunar reflector. Achieving such precision would depend on the capabilities of the laser system and the accuracy of its targeting mechanisms.

how would they do that in 1969?

The Apollo 11 mission in 1969, which marked the historic first human landing on the Moon, included the deployment of a lunar retroreflector array on the lunar surface. This array, known as the "Lunar Module Laser Ranging Retroreflector" or simply the "lunar reflector," was designed to enable precise distance measurements between the Earth and the Moon using laser ranging techniques. Here's how they achieved this in 1969:

  1. Design of the Lunar Reflector: The lunar reflector was a specialized device consisting of a panel with an array of small, corner-cube prisms. These prisms were designed to reflect incoming light (laser beams) directly back to the source, regardless of the angle at which the light hit the reflector. This property is known as "retroreflection."

  2. Deployment on the Moon: The lunar reflector was deployed on the lunar surface by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin during the Apollo 11 mission. It was placed at a known location near the Lunar Module.

  3. Laser Ranging from Earth: To measure the distance between the Earth and the Moon, scientists and engineers on Earth used powerful lasers to send laser beams toward the lunar reflector.

  4. Detection of Reflected Light: When the laser beams hit the lunar reflector on the Moon, the corner-cube prisms retroreflected the light directly back toward Earth. Sensitive detectors and telescopes on Earth were used to detect the reflected light.

  5. Timing the Round Trip: Scientists measured the time it took for the laser light to travel from Earth to the Moon and back. This measurement was extremely precise and allowed for the calculation of the Earth-Moon distance.

  6. Data Analysis: The collected data, including the time of flight of the laser pulses, were analyzed to determine the precise distance between the Earth and the Moon. The time measurements were used to calculate the distance using the speed of light.

  7. Achieving Precision: Achieving high precision in distance measurements required accurate timing, carefully calibrated equipment, and advanced data analysis techniques. The retroreflective properties of the lunar reflector ensured that the laser beams were accurately reflected back to Earth.

It's important to note that this laser ranging technique was a remarkable achievement in 1969 and demonstrated the feasibility of making precise distance measurements to the Moon. It allowed scientists to monitor the Earth-Moon distance over time and provided valuable data for lunar science and the study of Earth's motion.

Despite the relatively simple design of the lunar reflector, the precision achieved in distance measurements was remarkable and paved the way for future lunar missions and scientific experiments.

18. May 2021 03:02
by Admin

Vaccines - incubating bio-products for alien beings inside of the human race?

18. May 2021 03:02 by Admin | 0 Comments

"I made you welcome to this Earth, you made it a charnel house!"

Could this be our inexorable fate?

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Bill Gates and his pals are acting out the Georgia Guidestones scenario, but who pulls their strings? The American-German empire that the Rothschild-Jews use to control the human race is definitely short sighted and ignorant, They do not realise their genetic incompatibility with the future envisaged by the Zionists and how Goyim blood will not be tolerated. 

But what deal have the Rothschilds made and with who? What is the true purpose of the vaccines being mixed inside of the majority of the human race recently?

Well one of the unswerving desires of alien races visiting Earth is to use the animal and human bodies of Earth to incubate bio-products that are later removed. Have the Rothschilds sold our blood in advance? They tend to use Goyim blood as a commodity, so this should be no surprise. Have they mixed together two genetic forces that will mutate inside of us all and then be grown unwittingly for future harvest by alien races? It would certainly fit in with the Georgia Guidestones agenda, and no one on Earth would be obviously to blame.

Alien visitation and invasion has been the subject of many of the Jewish-Hollywood brainwashing productions for some time now, since the Second World War really. Could this be the glint in the Gates' eyes when they display duping delight when speaking of the human depopulation of Earth?

Well it certainly fits. The aliens would get what they want - a vast supply of their genetic material to sustain them for generations to come - and the Jews get what they want - no more Goyim on Earth. As long as the aliens don't betray the Jews as the Jews do the rest of us, it may work.

What would the numbers be? How many people are their that have not taken the vaccine? Gates has pledged to loan money to everyone on Earth whose country cannot afford it. He is the perfect figurehead for this as his foundation, built on our time wasted staring at pointless computer screens, actually represents the kind of capital required to offer everyone on Earth a vaccine they will pay for alter. Have the Rothschilds set then up, or are they in on the depopulation plan? Does the Gates foundation condone the depopulation of Earth in this generation or do they believe it will just bring about sterility?

Well hopefully that will be all, as even I will admit the world cannot support the current population.

I just hope that it is not going to be an alien invasion of the blood-snatchers that dominates the next two years.

17. November 2020 22:01
by Admin

No matter what your opinion of the ISS, you have to ask...

17. November 2020 22:01 by Admin | 0 Comments

No matter what your opinion of the ISS, you have to ask...


The heat you are experiencing is due to the kinetic energy in the molecules of your system. This vibrational energy of your molecules is what emits Infrared EM radiation and allows people to see you with an infrared camera etc. If you were in the Exosphere for instance, you would be in direct solar radiation which would excite and vibrate the molecules in your spacecraft. Without the shielding of the Earth's magnetic field, or the atmosphere, whilst on the daylight side of the Earth you would heat up based on the surface area exposed to that radiation. Because there is no atmosphere you would only be able to radiate heat away, so you would heat up to a very high temperature until your radiation emission equalled the incoming radiation energy hitting your surface from the Sun. At night you would be very cold as nothing would stop all the energy being radiated away. This is why the ISS uses liquids pumped around to cool it at daytime and then to warm it at night. The ISS travels at 7Km/s and so the day is only roughly 90 minutes, so they don't cook.

Now this all sounds perfectly reasonable, but it doesn't explain what is happening in the videos below.







31. October 2020 22:58
by Admin

Carlos Castaneda and the Grey Alien Allies - The First Extraterrestrial Conversation?

31. October 2020 22:58 by Admin | 0 Comments

Carlos Castaneda and the Grey Alien Allies - The First Extraterrestrial Conversation?


If you look into the Nagual vs Tonal part of Castaneda's work, you can clearly see he is discussing what science has come to term the left and right hand sides of the Brain. You can look at Jill Bolte Taylor's talk on YouTube at Ted to get an idea of the difference between the two worlds, but essentially one is held together by dialog and the other is rather like being a conduit for perception rather than processing or labelling.

Once you accept these two states/worlds then you can begin to accept that the allies of which Castaneda speaks (the inorganic beings) could well be the grey aliens as they are thought to be non-biological entities created by a race that may well have become extinct since, and that they emulate a human being, but because they are essentially soulless, they do not appear as a luminous egg, but as a human form, even in the world of the Nagual, or unrestricted non-verbalised world of the other half of the brain.


21. October 2020 08:55
by Admin

M=e/c^2 the Inverse Square Law of Light

21. October 2020 08:55 by Admin | 0 Comments

M=e/c^2 the Inverse Square Law of Light


Spin is important. Spin is what creates mass, or the appearance of an object holding mass. When electromagnetic radiation is spinning in a certain way it creates a mass that can be detected through inertia, because the spinning of the EMR holds true to the same tendency as a gyroscope, it resists changes in its orientation, and as the EMR is spinning in many different axis of the impossibly small sphere in which it exists, it resists every change in momentum giving inertia.

Conversely, when EMR is travelling in a straight line, it appears to have no detectable mass, because it no longer has any spin, and therefore no resistance to changes in momentum or direction, such as when it is reflected by a mirror. This is why m=e/c^2 holds, because the energy being released is EMR travelling outwards obeying the inverse square law as it fills the area of the sphere from the radius distance from where it was released/had it spin disturbed.

The spinning of planet Earth is what gives the mass of each particle the appearance of attracting other matter by gravity. The spinning of the mass of the Earth creates a gravitational field just as a gyroscope does. It is encapsulated in its own gravitational field and invulnerable to other gravitational fields around it.

Every photon is a discrete energy packet of light but does it have a property that can be assimilated with this? Matter waves depict the interactions that indicate wave behaviour in light, just as they do in water, but if light can only travel at the constant c then how could it not be travelling in a straight line? As well as this the derivation of E=mc^2 depends on F=ma holding valid, which when considering light, really has no relevance whatsoever. There is no m, no a and no F. So what is really going on?

Photons are their own antiparticle according to latest quantum lore, which essentially means that light or EMR can account for wave-like behaviour without requiring interaction with any other phenomenon. 

15. September 2020 18:10
by Admin

Comets and the Electric Universe from

15. September 2020 18:10 by Admin | 0 Comments

Comets and the Electric Universe from


What do you actually know about where the Earth is in the Universe and what should the attitude of the public be to space? It is something that virtually none of us have ever seen or ever interacted with, and yet it is where our planet sits, isn't it?

What should we be aware of and what are we told that may not be accurate? The science that is taken for granted on mainstream media may not be as correct as you might imagine, and there may be reasons for the inaccuracies that might surprise you.

Richard Hall and Andrew Johnson take us through an excellent explanation of our solar system and what has been discovered that does not seem to fit in with the view we are being sold.

The law of energy conservation twinned with Einstein's Relativity leave us with two rather depressing concepts:

Energy will always cost you money

You will never travel to another solar system

Is this the truth? Is Relativity as accurate picture as all that and is it possible that the universe is actually a lot simpler in nature than we've been led to believe. Relativity, although mind boggling in it's genius, is also mind boggling in it's ability to slow progress in any given field of research. There is no question that since 1916 the minds of scientists seem to be preoccupied with conceiving the idea of Relativity rather than achieving anything with it. Is it possible that the gravitational ideas put forward by Einstein cloud by intention? What are the other possibilities concerning the creation of the Universe? The Big Bang is a theory very thinly based on simple background radiation levels and a lot of assumption. Is the key to free energy right in front of us? 

What are comets made of? If it is not ice, as NASA's probes seem to indicate then why do they stick to a theory that has no basis in discovery? If it conflicts with evidence or experiment then shouldn't it be discarded? Why does modern science seem to stick to these ideas no matter what is uncovered? Is the modern scientific world too set in it's ways and too afraid of disgrace? Is it being manipulated by other forces? Who really decides what goes on the front page of New Scientist anymore?


Part 1


Part 2


Part 3

26. August 2020 16:29
by Admin

Sensible Ideas About Space Travel

26. August 2020 16:29 by Admin | 0 Comments

Sensible Ideas About Space Travel

Richard D. Hall's talk on deception in space travel.

Richard really does give a great talk here, imparting a well thought out and considered opinion of modern space travel deception. The point he makes about reliability of moon missions throughout the 50s, 60s and 70s is vitally important to aid understanding of NASA's management bedlam during the 60s. They had been set an impossible task by a man who had been murdered in the public eye. A man who had been elevated in standing to an almost immortal plane, as the murderers wanted the public to focus on what he said, rather than who killed him and why.

I would add to Richard's talk, that the possible faking of the moon landings only aids the true rulers' agendas, as it takes up so much time for researchers everywhere, rather than them focusing on the alien agenda and the black world military space capabilities.

Richard goes on to discuss the current debacle of a space programme, and all of the attention diverter that it currently supports. Elon Musk is shown to be aware, clearly, of more advanced technologies than his ancient rockets and their guidance systems (OK the guidance systems are pretty impressive.)

Richard also discusses Mars and the incredible discoveries that have been made, and subsequently hidden from the public. The various Cydonia Pyramids and Face as well as the Scale Reproduction of Avebury on Mars are all incredible discoveries that give real evidence and possibly even a complete explanation of the origins of life on Earth, or at least human life. The evidence given in motion pictures such as Mission to Mars and Total Recall is a tantalizing glimpse of the truth to be discovered in these incredible structures. Richard's reasoning as to why they are faking the Mars Rovers is compelling and intelligently defined and I advise anyone interested in their own freedom to listen with an open mind.

Also under examination is the roadblock in place to stop anyone looking into electrogravitics and antigravity systems. The General Relativity theory that has expressed Gravity as deformed spacetime due to mass is an amazing theory, but it does ignore the obvious connections between electromagnet forces, diamagnetics and gravity.

AI Artificial Intelligence is also discussed, and the fear-mongering expressed by Musk and Hawking, which is essentially a pathway towards the end of human enslavement, currently imposed upon us by the Rothschilds and their associates - I can't imagine they gave any friends.

One more point to make is that this talk is made as part of Richard's Richplanet tours, tickets for which can be obtained at when they are upcoming.

7. August 2020 14:49
by Admin

You have to commend the NASA astronauts that landed on the Moon

7. August 2020 14:49 by Admin | 0 Comments

You have to commend the NASA astronauts that landed on the Moon


These computer modelled, computer controlled, heavily researched rocket landing systems failed missing only one thing from NASA Moon Landings; they didn't have a human being at the controls to keep her steady.