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22. July 2020 12:06
by Admin

Good Advice on the Space Programme Dilemma

22. July 2020 12:06 by Admin | 0 Comments

Good Advice on the Space Programme Dilemma


My advice is to pay some attention to Mr. Hall in regard of the space programme question.

Whether you are an advocate of NASA and ESA or if you do think it is important to question, this is a good piece of advice on the space programme.

Although there does seem to be a giant German hovering about behind STS-8 whilst deploying a satellite, Richard's opinions on the validity of Space exploration do resonate, as his sobriety and courage as an investigator shine through. Although there are definitely potential reasons to question ISS (question rather than just doubt) he makes a good point that the ISS is verifiable in terms of observable objects in space and that if the footage is in anyway faked (or made to tempt us believe that it is faked) then there are still may reasons to believe that most of the space exploration we see is real.

RichPlanet Space: The Final Frontier