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21. May 2021 12:48
by Admin

The Manchester Arena Bombing - A Report by Richplanet

21. May 2021 12:48 by Admin | 0 Comments

The Manchester Arena Bombing - A Report by Richplanet

Now I have only ever been in a room with a supersonic detonation once, and it was a very small amount of explosives, made from household chemicals, but approximating C4.

The explosion left a hole in the table where the charge was placed exactly the size and shape of that charge on the near side, but spiralling out conically through the table. It was, looking back, a shape charge.

Every part of the table missing was vaporised and not a particle of wood was ever recovered other than those parts outside the focus of the charge detonation focus. The windows were blown out, and everyone in the playground came running from the whole school.

Being inside the room was like being in a dream. The whole world went instantly silent, and beautiful little burning cinders fell from the ceiling as we slowly began to regain our wits.

That is a supersonic detonation, it just fries everything in it's path and leaves everything in its wake in confusion and terror.

Bearing this in mind, the Manchester bombing of the Ariana Grande concert never made any sense to me.

22 dead, so where were the hundred or so people who would've lost arms and legs?

The ratio of dead to injured never made any sense, nor did the target or the outcome.

When you combine that with some of the footage filmed and the interviews, no one gives a believable account of witnessing an explosion that could kill 22 people, no one.

To find out more about what might have happened, we recommend this video from

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