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27. September 2023 11:00
by Admin

How Could we create a Graser?

27. September 2023 11:00 by Admin | 0 Comments

How Could we create a Graser?

"Graser" stands for Gamma-Ray Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It's the gamma-ray counterpart to a LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

Creating a graser is a significant challenge and is largely theoretical at this point. The principles behind the graser are similar to that of a laser:

Population Inversion: Just like in lasers, for a graser to function, there needs to be a population inversion where more atoms or particles are in an excited state than in a ground state. Achieving this at gamma-ray frequencies requires highly specialized conditions.

Stimulated Emission: In lasers, photons stimulate the emission of other photons of the same frequency, phase, and direction. In a graser, gamma-ray photons would do the same, but for particles emitting gamma rays.

Cavity with Reflecting Walls: Lasers use mirrors to reflect light back into the gain medium to stimulate further photon emissions. The graser would similarly need a cavity that can reflect gamma rays.


Materials: The biggest challenge with grasers is finding materials that can sustain a population inversion at gamma-ray frequencies and also be transparent to gamma rays.

Reflection: Reflecting gamma rays in a cavity is a significant challenge since they typically penetrate most materials.

Practical Uses: Gamma rays are highly energetic and can be dangerous. Any application of grasers would need to carefully consider safety implications.

Given these challenges, the practical realization of a graser is complex and may not be feasible with current technology. However, the concept is a topic of interest in theoretical physics and advanced weapon concepts.

If you're interested in building or working on such technologies, it would require a deep understanding of quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, and advanced materials science.



OK but we can make Masers and Lasers, what about with X-rays?

Certainly! The amplification of X-rays via stimulated emission is generally termed an X-ray laser. Creating an X-ray laser is significantly more challenging than building optical lasers or masers due to the much shorter wavelengths of X-rays and the difficulties associated with producing and maintaining population inversion at X-ray energies.

However, advances have been made in this field:

Plasma-based X-ray Lasers: One of the early and most successful approaches to produce X-ray lasers is through the use of plasmas. When ions in a plasma are pumped by an external source (often another laser), they can be induced to release their energy as coherent X-rays. High-power, short-pulse optical lasers can create plasma in a target material and drive population inversion at X-ray wavelengths. The high density and temperature of the plasma allow for rapid lasing action before atoms have a chance to return to the ground state through spontaneous emission or nonradiative processes.

Free Electron Lasers (FEL): Another approach to producing X-rays and even shorter wavelength radiation is with free electron lasers. In a FEL, a beam of high-energy electrons is passed through an alternating magnetic field (usually from an undulator or wiggler). This causes the electrons to emit radiation, which can be amplified to produce intense bursts of X-rays. Facilities like the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory or the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL) can produce extremely intense X-ray pulses using this method.

Creating a compact X-ray laser (similar to a laser pointer or laboratory laser) remains a challenging task primarily because of the difficulties in achieving population inversion and the challenges of mirror technology at these wavelengths. However, large-scale X-ray sources, like the FELs mentioned above, have found numerous applications in scientific research, particularly in probing the atomic and molecular structures of materials with unprecedented precision.

What would happen if we took a microwave oven and added a huge capacitor and a focusing intensifier, could we make a weapon?

It sounds like you're thinking about ways to intensify and direct the energy produced by a microwave oven. I want to stress that discussions of creating weapons or any device intended for harm are ethically concerning and potentially illegal in many jurisdictions.

However, I can provide a theoretical understanding of the scenario:

Microwave Oven: A microwave oven typically produces microwave radiation at a frequency of around 2.45 GHz. This is used to heat food by causing water molecules to oscillate and produce thermal energy.

Capacitor: A capacitor stores electrical energy and can discharge this energy quickly. If you were to integrate a large capacitor with a microwave circuit, you might be able to achieve more instantaneous power than the microwave’s regular output. However, the components of the microwave, including its magnetron (the part that produces microwaves), would need to handle this surge of power without breaking down.

Focusing Intensifier: Microwaves, like all electromagnetic waves, can be focused and directed using appropriate reflectors or waveguides. If by "focusing intensifier" you mean some sort of mechanism to direct or concentrate the microwave output into a smaller area or beam, then in principle, this could intensify the effect of the microwaves on a target.

Theoretical Weapon Implications:

If all these modifications were made effectively, you'd theoretically have a device that could direct a focused beam of microwaves at a target.

This could cause localized heating, potentially damaging or igniting materials, or causing harm to living tissues. Remember, the microwaves from an oven can boil water in food, so a focused beam could cause burns or other injuries.

There would be many technical challenges, including creating a portable power source, ensuring the system doesn’t self-destruct from the sudden power surges, and effectively focusing the beam.

However, it's important to note:

Danger to the : Such a device could be as dangerous to the as to any intended target. There's a risk of microwave exposure, electrical hazards from the high-capacity capacitor, and potential harm from any focused beam that is reflected back.

Legality and Ethics: Building or attempting to build a weapon from household devices is illegal in many places and could result in severe legal penalties. Moreover, it raises serious ethical concerns.

For safety, legal, and ethical reasons, I strongly advise against attempting to modify household appliances or any other devices to create weapons.

OK but if we can make something dangerous out of household items that injures at the speed of light, why are the military still mucking about with bullets?

The development of military weaponry is influenced by a multitude of factors, not just the potential lethality or speed of the weapon. Here are several reasons why conventional weapons like firearms and bullets are still prevalent in military use, despite the potential for directed-energy weapons (DEWs):

Reliability: Firearms are a mature technology. They are robust, reliable, and work in a wide range of environmental conditions. Advanced technologies, like DEWs, might have vulnerabilities to various conditions (e.g., weather, interference) or require maintenance and expertise that isn't as universally available as that for firearms.

Logistics: Military operations consider not only the effectiveness of a weapon but also the logistics behind it. Bullets can be easily transported, stored, and distributed, while DEWs might require significant energy storage or generation capabilities.

Cost: Developing new weapon systems is expensive. The infrastructure for producing, maintaining, and supplying conventional arms is already in place. Transitioning to a new system would require substantial investment.

Defensive Measures: As with any weapon, defensive measures can be developed. While bullets can be stopped by armor, DEWs might be diffused by atmospheric conditions, reflected, or dispersed by countermeasures.

Versatility: Different situations call for different weapons. The kinetic force of bullets can have a different kind of impact than the heating effect of a DEW. Sometimes, the goal isn't to destroy but to incapacitate or deter.

Political and Ethical Considerations: The use of new weapons can have political ramifications. For instance, blinding lasers are banned by international convention because of their inhumane effects.

Development Time: Directed-energy weapons are being researched and are in various stages of development and deployment. For instance, the U.S. Navy has deployed the Laser Weapon System (LaWS) on some of its ships. Over time, as the technology matures, we might see a more widespread adoption of such systems.

Technical Challenges: DEWs, especially those that could replace firearms in most of their roles, face significant technical hurdles. Energy storage, beam coherence over long distances, rapid targeting systems, and other challenges need to be addressed.

That said, there's no doubt that militaries around the world are interested in and are developing DEWs for various applications, from missile defense to drone neutralization. However, these technologies complement rather than replace traditional weaponry in many cases.

Lastly, just because something can be done doesn't mean it's practical or advisable. Making a dangerous device out of household items, as in the previous example, might be theoretically possible, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as reliable, effective, or practical as purpose-built military equipment.

But in war, the victor writes how it was won, not the people concerned with ethics

It's true that history is often written by the victors, and they can shape narratives in ways that justify or glorify their actions. However, there are several reasons why ethics, international conventions, and laws of warfare still matter:

Global Reputation: Nations care about their reputations on the global stage. Using weapons or tactics deemed unethical can lead to a loss of global standing, which can impact diplomatic relationships, trade, and alliances.

Retaliation: If one side uses a weapon or tactic that's considered out-of-bounds, it may motivate the other side to do the same or worse. This escalatory dynamic can lead to even more devastating conflicts and outcomes.

Aftermath of Conflict: Wars end, and when they do, there's a post-war order to consider. If a victor has been particularly brutal or unethical in its tactics, it may find post-war governance challenging, face insurgencies, or deal with long-term animosities that lead to future conflicts.

Internal Morale and Cohesion: Soldiers are not mere tools of war; they're human beings with their own moral compasses. If asked to carry out actions they deem unethical, it can lead to low morale, post-traumatic stress, desertion, or even mutiny.

International Tribunals: The 20th and 21st centuries have seen the establishment of various international courts designed to prosecute war crimes, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). Leaders and military personnel can be held accountable for their actions in these forums.

Documenting Realities: While the victor often has a significant influence on the mainstream narrative, in today's world of technology and global communication, it's challenging to suppress all alternate viewpoints. Citizen journalism, instant communication, and international observers can document and share war realities widely.

Humanitarian Concerns: Many people and nations genuinely care about the human cost of warfare and believe in minimizing civilian casualties and suffering. These values are enshrined in conventions like the Geneva Conventions.

It's a complex interplay between pragmatism, ethics, and strategy. While ethics alone might not deter all actions in warfare, the combination of strategic considerations, global reputation, potential future challenges, and genuine humanitarian concerns often does.

But surely a blinding laser is nothing compared to a MIRV hitting cities full of civilians

You're absolutely right in terms of scale and destructive power. A Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) is designed to carry several nuclear warheads and can cause immense devastation, both in immediate casualties and long-term environmental and health effects. In comparison, a blinding laser, while cruel and damaging, has a much more limited scope of harm.

However, there are several factors to consider:

Intent and Discrimination: The laws of armed conflict are based on principles such as distinction and proportionality. While both blinding lasers and nuclear weapons raise concerns under these principles, blinding lasers are particularly problematic because they are specifically designed to cause permanent blindness in soldiers and civilians who look at them, without necessarily offering a strategic or military advantage. MIRVs, on the other hand, while vastly more destructive, are intended to serve a strategic deterrent role.

Usage History: Nuclear weapons have been used twice in warfare (Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945). The profound consequences of those bombings, and subsequent nuclear tests, have made them a major focus of international arms control efforts. Blinding lasers, meanwhile, were banned preemptively before they became widely deployed, demonstrating an international consensus to prevent certain types of suffering even before they become a widespread problem.

Deterrence and Doctrine: Nuclear weapons, especially MIRVs, play a significant role in the doctrine of deterrence. The idea is that the sheer destructive power of these weapons and the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) will prevent their actual use. This is, of course, fraught with its own ethical and strategic debates, but the weapons serve a purpose beyond their immediate destructive potential.

Different Standards: It might seem incongruous that weapons with vastly different scales of harm can both be the subject of international bans or regulations, but international law often addresses both humanitarian concerns and strategic balance. For instance, chemical weapons, which can cause terrible suffering but are not as immediately destructive as nuclear weapons, are also banned.

Broadening Horizons of Law: The prohibition of blinding lasers represents an effort to expand the boundaries of humanitarian law in warfare. While it doesn't negate concerns about more destructive weapons, it's a step towards a more comprehensive legal framework that considers various forms of harm.

Your point underscores the complexity of arms control and humanitarian law. While there are bans on certain types of weapons due to their inhumane nature, more destructive weapons still exist due to strategic considerations. The hope of many is to continually progress towards a world where all weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear ones, are eliminated.

Masers have been around since the 50s. No one has weaponized it yet?

Masers, which stand for "Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation," have indeed been around since the 1950s. They are the microwave equivalent of lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

While the basic principle behind masers can be adapted for weaponized purposes (as with lasers), there are specific reasons why masers themselves might not be as commonly weaponized:

Wavelength: Masers operate in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves have longer wavelengths than visible or infrared light, which means they can be more easily absorbed or scattered by the atmosphere, reducing their effective range.

Efficiency and Power: Early masers required cryogenic cooling and had low power output. Though solid-state masers have since been developed, obtaining high power levels suitable for weaponization with good efficiency can be a challenge.

Applications: Most directed-energy weapons aim to achieve a rapid heating or ablative effect on a target. Infrared and visible lasers tend to be more effective for this purpose because their shorter wavelengths can concentrate energy more effectively. Microwaves can induce heating (as seen in microwave ovens), but efficiently achieving this in a weaponized form, over long distances, presents challenges.

Technological Evolution: The development of lasers followed soon after the invention of masers. Lasers, particularly solid-state lasers and more recently fiber lasers, have seen significant technological advancements that make them more amenable to weaponization. They can achieve higher power levels, better beam quality, and operate at wavelengths that are more suitable for atmospheric transmission.

Existing Weapon Systems: The military continually assesses the utility of potential new weapon systems in the context of existing capabilities. Given the technological challenges associated with weaponizing masers and the rapid advancements in laser technology, investment may have naturally skewed towards laser-based systems for directed-energy applications.

It's worth noting that the general concept of using microwaves as a weapon has been explored, such as in the development of Active Denial Systems (ADS). ADS is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military. It uses a focused beam of millimeter-wave energy to induce a painful heating sensation on the skin, serving as a crowd-control measure. However, this is distinct from a "maser weapon" in the traditional sense.

In summary, while the basic physics of masers could be adapted for weaponized applications, practical challenges and the rapid development of laser technology have likely made lasers a more attractive option for directed-energy weapon systems.

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