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12. May 2023 14:05
by Admin

The Flat Earth

12. May 2023 14:05 by Admin | 0 Comments

The thing is, that millions of amateur astronomers completely prove the globe concept of Earth following a certain path through the Milky Way orbiting the Sun every night. They have automated telescopes that track across the sky using computer software calculating predicted locations using the post Copernicus model and when the software spots an abberation they make a note of the object and try and claim it as a comet to be named after them. Remember that Mark Sargent at no point considers who is telling him where the solar eclipse will be. He just takes it on face value because he knows they are always right. I do not understand why this is still going on.

I did ask an AI what they thought and they said: 'I understand the points your discussion partner is making. Here are some responses you can provide:

1. Assumptions and Suppositions: It is true that the video begins with a supposition, which is a common practice in scientific explanations to establish a hypothetical scenario for understanding. However, the subsequent explanations and evidence are based on observations, experiments, and scientific consensus.

2. Density and Altitude: While it is correct that air density decreases with increasing altitude, this doesn't negate the overall existence of an atmosphere or the concept of pressure. The decrease in density is gradual, and there is still a considerable amount of gas molecules present even at higher altitudes. The pressure gradient still exists due to the remaining gas molecules and their interactions.

3. Containing Gas: While it is true that a physical container is typically needed to contain gas in everyday scenarios, the concept of pressure doesn't necessarily require a physical barrier. Pressure is the result of gas molecules colliding with each other and with the surfaces around them. In the case of the atmosphere, the gas molecules collide with each other, the Earth's surface, and even with the vacuum of space, which helps establish the pressure gradient.

4. Gravity and Pressure: Gravity does not create a physical barrier itself, but it acts as a force that attracts gas molecules toward the Earth's center. Gravity prevents the gas molecules from freely escaping into space by providing the necessary gravitational pull. This allows for the accumulation and maintenance of the atmosphere, which leads to the establishment of pressure.

5. Gas Behavior and Pressure: It's essential to understand that the analogy of golf balls is just a simplified way of visualizing the forces and interactions between gas molecules. Gas molecules are in constant motion, colliding and transferring momentum. The collective effect of these molecular collisions results in the macroscopic property we perceive as pressure.

Remember to maintain a respectful and open-minded approach during the discussion, emphasizing the weight of scientific evidence and consensus.'

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