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27. April 2017 21:08
by Admin

How do I find motivation to exercise and lose weight?

27. April 2017 21:08 by Admin | 0 Comments

In a world saturated with information and drenched in excess, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us all to manage our desires effectively. Obesity is on the rise and has been for decades and the need to be motivated to exercise has become a real concern for society at large. We all need a personal trainer, it seems, to help us get into a better groove where we can begin to lose weight and eat healthily, but how do we find someone who is available and affordable in our daily modern lives?

Well it is just possible that there is a simple answer on the horizon. A new app releasing next month may well hold the key. Instead of telling us what to eat and how much exercise to do, this app is not a personal trainer in its own right, but rather a tracker to find your closest personal trainer or group training session. The concept is simple enough, it acts like any other mapping software, only it show where training classes are being held over the next few weeks, so you can sign up, reserve your place, and pay up front so there is not getting out of it if you don't feel like being active on the day. In short, it is an instant, easy step in the right direction.

There are no sign up fees and no contracts to this solution, and no obligation to go back to a trainer or class you don't like. There is also the chance to choose a trainer based on ratings and reviews, rather than go along blind, so you have a good chance of picking the class that's right for you. The fact that the app allows a trainer to amass a class in advance and train multiple people at the same time saves on cost for the trainees as larger classes means less cost per trainee, and also means that the new members can slip in at he back and still enjoy a great workout class with out having to be the centre of attention. The app can save money for the trainer too as a cancellation for single or group training can be posted online and be filled at a lower price to ensure that the trainer doesn't wind up hanging around at the gym between sessions. 

Sound pretty good?

Well then let me introduce GTME - the new app for personal trainers and trainees that connects everyone together in personal and group training and allows you to review and comment on sessions and become part of a wider, global community as well as enjoying a happier, healthier life.

You can find out more at and download the app for Andriod and IOS devices.

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