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25. January 2017 06:32
by Admin

Majority of Britons disagree with Supreme Court ruling on Article 50

25. January 2017 06:32 by Admin | 1 Comments

Well as we all know the majority of Britions (whatever the hell they are) allegedly disagree with Theresa May having to consult Parliament but who cares what they think - they cannot be trusted, just look at what they watch on the TV:

Britains Got talent - well they'll have to rename this to 'another pisspot country that has more important things to worry about but doesn't seem to have noticed got talent'

Eastenders - these people are so depressed no wonder they want to live in a miserable, cold, grey S**thole

Coronation street - see above

These people cannot be trusted and should not be making decisions that effect people who don't eat r-tard pills for breakfast

Of course its possible that all of this article 50 nonsense is just to stop us noticing that Britain and America are warming up for an invasion of Egypt or Sudan or something....


Comments (1) -

So the MPs have voted to go ahead with article 50 and why? Well because they cannot appear to be against 'the people' (who voted 50:50 anyway) because they are so scared that we will rise up and shag them to death with rabid dogs which is right and correct, because we should.

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